Gag men be brutally honest do you feel jealous towards Onlyfans, YouTube and Twitch girls?

All I'm asking for is brutal honesty and nothing else. Do you feel jealous towards them? I ask this because I see many average guys making fun of them yet those same dudes aren't making money. I see guys saying "well I work hard for my money, I have pride. those ladies are thots". To me that sounds like pure bullshit. They only say that because they HAVE TO work hard because they're generic looking dudes. (I also see some generic ladies trashing these ladies)

For example TheNicoleT is age 23 making 200K yearly from her videos.
Gag men be brutally honest do you feel jealous towards Onlyfans, YouTube and Twitch girls?
Truth is these ladies won the genetic game of life, maybe had connects or just got lucky. All of this is just a perfect example of "Life is unfair". Most people use the words "Life is unfair" when they are trying to be smug and arrogant trying to put you down. Real life unfairness is NicoleT and her massive boobs.

Also men need to stop with the women reach the wall at 30 bullshit. Modern women even after 30 are still having more sex and making more money than dudes.

I guess I'm just writing this because I feel like so many dudes bullshit themselves. Hell, even in basic stuff like video games men bullshit themselves into believing bullshit. I can say an A. I system is cheating with proof of cheating and dude gamers are so prideful that they refuse to see the proof. In the end they overworked themselves for nothing because it was the cheating A. I that picks when they win or lose.
Gag men be brutally honest do you feel jealous towards Onlyfans, YouTube and Twitch girls?
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