My friend says he’s gay but his actions don’t match his words?

So I have this guy friend who identifies as gay, however the way he acts towards me doesn’t add up.
He’ll stare at me constantly with a smile on his face, when I’m doing nothing.
We also playfully wrestle and a couple times I’ve fallen on top of him and he just smiles and laughs.
He also makes sexual jokes towards me constantly.
When we went to prom, it was like we were the only two people there, he followed me around and stared at me all night. The strangest part, is that the guy he supposedly had a crush on was there too but he didn’t look his way once. I've never even seen him check another guy out. He’ll say they’re cute but that’s it. No staring, no smiling, nothing. What are your thoughts? He says he’s not sexually into any girls but does all this. Could he be bi but confused?
My friend says he’s gay but his actions don’t match his words?
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