Guys, guys have you ever stared at a girl nonstop for a reason?

I know i am probably going to get nasty remarks but keep in mind i was raised amish and now not in the community anymore so, I am learning the English ways. But for those who take the time to help thank you

There is a guy where I go, have known each other about 2 years, we talk and joke around, now he stares just in my eyes nowhere else all the time. even when I am not looking because others see him do it. I cannot tell if he has a crush, in love or something else? He watches me like a hawk though.

Any kind of out look is appreciated and keep in mind you were all my age once not everyone is so quick to the art of flirting- if that is what it is, it is new to me, lol
Guys, guys have you ever stared at a girl nonstop for a reason?
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