I got too drunk in front of my friends with benefits and he kicked me out?

My friends with benefits of 4 years called me to come over, I was already pretty drunk. He proceeded to pour me wine and said his colleague (another girl) was going to come over. He joked about having a three way which wasn’t funny to me (he does this all the time). Then the girl showed up, saw I was drunk and left 15 min later.. which was odd… I guess I spilled some wine in the kitchen and then when we went upstairs I spilled again. I apologized, he yelled at me and told me I can’t stay there and that I had to leave. I started crying then left. He has been ignoring me since and called me disrespectful for showing up wasted and spilling. Accidents happen, I didn’t do it on purpose and apologized. Then he said he never kicked me out, but I remember he did! He also said he was “joking” about the three way… Then he said I was crying uncontrollably for no reason, but I was crying because he was being mean to me. He’s so mean, I didn’t do anything to harm him, I just made a drunk mistake by spilling wine :(
I got too drunk in front of my friends with benefits and he kicked me out?
15 Opinion