Why would a guy go from staring non-stop at a woman to sort of avoiding her?

I would catch the same guy staring at me at this country club I go to. He would sometimes lock eye contact and smile. But would stare for a long time as I walked by. So then one day I was walking by after my golf lesson and he walked over and as he was passing by he said “you’re really pretty by the way” and then walked away as I said thank you in return. Later that evening me and my friend grabbed dinner in the cafe and he was sitting in there too on his laptop but was on a call and preoccupied with that. When I was sitting with my friend I was looking over at him and I tried smiling but he didn’t really smile back. Then again he was busy so I don't know, and I guess guys feel weird when a girl is with her friends. Anyway the next time I saw him he looked away sharply, but again this time he was on his laptop and in a call. I walked past and he glanced a little bit but not as long as he did previously. Saw him another time after that too and he glanced over at me a couple more times.
Anyway sorry for the ramble but wanted to provide enough context. Did he lost interest or did I just not show I was interested back enough? Why do guys sometimes do this? Also I’m an introvert and dumb af when it comes to reading men’s interest.
Why would a guy go from staring non-stop at a woman to sort of avoiding her?
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