When a guy doesn’t want to start a video call or even send a voice note and talk by voice, does it mean that he is fake account?

One week ago I’ve chatted with a famous guy TikToker and after few days he said he love me and I’m a girl of his dream.. but I just wanted him to video call or even talk by voice to be sure that he is not fake account but he refused and told me about his management whom watch everything he is doing on WhatsApp but I kept ask him for a video call or even a voice note but he refused , then I told him “ if you really interested just think of how to assure the girl you’re talking with that you’re …(his name) , then he replied and said “ do you know what forget about it”. .
what does he mean exactly?
When a guy doesn’t want to start a video call or even send a voice note and talk by voice, does it mean that he is fake account?
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