When it comes to men being more open about their emotions and asking for help whenever they need it, who is to blame for stopping progress in this?

I think OTHER MEN are the issue when it comes to progressive movement in this area.

I’ve never really seen women making fun of other men for asking for help, holding back men from talking about their emotions, etc.

My thoughts on this?

Men are human.

Whatever is associated with traditionally being a man (bravery, strength, power, toughness, fearlessness, etc.) it is important to note that everyone is a human first and foremost and that humans are a lot more complicated than descriptors of what a man should be, should act, should want to be, should like, etc.

I think this has caused a lot more issues in society, all across the world rather than helped.

A man can still be brave, strong, tough, and more all while still wanting to express emotions, seeking help when he needs or wants it, etc.

A more progressive society, in all manners/facets of life, overall, will continue to deviate away from strict traditional ways of thinking about problems, women, children, men, etc.

•Why aren’t people sacrificing children & animals to appease the gods when they experience a storm?

•Why is the enslavement of people across the world been becoming less and less prevalent, in many places, completely eradicated?

•Why has prisons and justice systems across the world been more intricate, moral, fair, and systematized? As opposed to more barbarian-style mob justice, public executions, inhumane prison conditions, unfair & biased trials, etc.

All of this has been the result of:

•Improvements in technology & the availability of such technology to more and more people across the world.

•Wise and intelligent people heeding the mistakes of the past to offer solutions and betterment for the future.
When it comes to men being more open about their emotions and asking for help whenever they need it, who is to blame for stopping progress in this?
When it comes to men being more open about their emotions and asking for help whenever they need it, who is to blame for stopping progress in this?
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