Could my coworker like me? Or is he just being himself and I'm reading into it too much?

So I started at my job around 6 months ago, and since then I've gotten along with everyone pretty well, and we're quite close. However, getting to know this coworker has taken me the long way around. We talk, but never in too much detail and with such ease like with everyone else.
Since I've seen him he's given me butterflies, and I feel my anxiety may be the cause of us not growing any closer to become friendly. Despite that, there have been times I feel he could like me, but I'm unsure if I'm reading into it too much.
To start, I've noticed textbook signs, I've looked his way and noticed he was looking at me, and he quickly looks away. However, lately when this has happened he's held my gaze and he does this "gentleman's nod" with me, we go back and forth a few times (jokingly) and then he asks how I am. He doesn't do this with anyone else.
One day when I went into the office he pulled his chair up beside me with his arms behind his back, and gave me a kids toy him and his friends won, but he knew I liked the character and so he kept it all weekend to give to me.
Then there's other things, for a while we had a back and forth as something wound up on my desk that I didn't want there so I gave it to him and he kept finding ways to put it back on my desk, but not be obvious. If I wore something "new" (as in I'd never worn it before) to work he'd ask if it was new and then just leave it in the air. If he talks to a coworker I sit beside, his feet and torso are entirely in my direction even when I'm not in the conversation. When I speak to him he leans in more.
Am I reading into this too much? As I mentioned, he does seem friendlier with other staff, and I am new to the office so I haven't been there as long as others, but I wonder why he doesn't initiate conversation with me often, but then we have our own way of talking to one another. Any advice?
Could my coworker like me? Or is he just being himself and I'm reading into it too much?
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