Didn't get a guy's number. Is it too aggressive to ask an acquaintance to pass it along?

Was at a graduation party recently (big event with a ton of people's families), and this guy (let's say Richard) asked me to slow dance. I was really surprised, because it seemed he was going out of his way to avoid me most of the night. He didn't dance or really chat up any other girls. We finally got to talking at the night, but I got pulled away suddenly and we never got to exchange contact info. As I was leaving, I saw him lingering by the door and looking my way.

There was definitely mutual chemistry, but I don't have any way of contacting him so far. We're in different cities and he's not on social media. I know his parents, but I don't want to ask them for his # because it might seem invasive.

The alternative is asking a mutual female (acquaintance) to pass along my number, but
(a) she might lie and not actually do it, if she potentially also has feelings for him
(b) he may not ever text

Any recs guys? Much appreciated!
Didn't get a guy's number. Is it too aggressive to ask an acquaintance to pass it along?
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