Is my ex trying to stalk me online after I blocked him on social media?


I broke things off 3 1/2 months ago after a seven month messy situationship. We had and still have very strong feelings for each other, but he doesn’t want to commit and I want to be in a relationship, so I ended things. I went no contact and blocked him on Facebook and Instagram. We’ve run into each other a few times, things got a bit intimate a few weeks ago. But I told him if he hadn’t changed his mind about committing, I couldn’t be his friends with benefits or emotional security blanket, and I need to let him go and move on.

The following week, he started liking several of our mutual friends’ Facebook live videos of me within 30 seconds of them posting. I found out that he looked at my LinkedIn profile a week ago; don’t know if he’s looked at it prior to that because I’m rarely in that account. Dad let me to check my Google analytics, and the day after that, he was spending time on both my travel blog and my professional website.

What is he trying to accomplish? He can’t keep tabs on me through LinkedIn or my websites because I don’t post updates on either one of those. I only know about the Facebook likes because my friends tell me about them; he’s blocked so I can’t see his activity. He hasn’t contacted me; and I’m assuming he hasn’t changed his mind about wanting to be in a relationship. Is this just him adoring me from a far? It’s starting to get really creepy.

Is my ex trying to stalk me online after I blocked him on social media?
5 Opinion