Does this guy at the gym like me?


There’s this guy at my gym who I think is really cute. Besides the gym I also saw him at a couple of parties. But apart from some eye contact nothing ever happened. So I didn’t have my hopes up. However, this week I was hip thrusting and his friend started laughing about how easily I was outlifting him (his words). Then I laughed and talked with his friend a bit meanwhile my crush also reacted to what his friend said. After his friend left I was putting away my plates and my crush started talking to me, saying how I should have said that I did 3,5x more weight than his friend and how that would be good for his ego (as a joke ofc). Afterwards, we talked a bit more and then we continued our workouts.

I wonder is he just being friendly or is he flirting with me?

Does this guy at the gym like me?
5 Opinion