Do you think this guy may have feelings for me?

We met in a teen camp a week ago, he (29M) was a manager, and I (23F) was a group leader. He's detached, you would instantly notice it, and people describe him as introverted and quiet. I found him staring at me from a distance from first days though, then he told me I looked much younger than my age. When I'm around he pays attention, and asks questions to me, smiles. When I ask someone for help, he comes to help me first. I also felt sick one day and asked me: "did you have pills? How do you feel now?" And when we play games with a group, he tries to engage with talks with me, asks opinions from me, my takes on a game and what to do next. Basically, he pays attention to me more than others and listens to me. He challenges me intellectually, wants to have a deep conversation about psychology and once asked 'you talk so well about your friend. Are you in love with him?" And also wanted to show me his book, and interests he has, that he likes psychology and philosophy when I told him that i"m a psychologist.

Yesterday we were in a same group of friends, during the night. We were there whole night playing games, and the next day drinking together as well. He was sitting next to me all night. One time he was debating with me as part of a game, and people asked him 'why do argue with her so much, do you hate her? ' jokingly, and he said " it's for a game, in real like it's opposite, i like her a lot". There were friends. But I'm wondering if it was just a friendly remark... He's still aloof and does not directly express romantic or sexual signs of attraction, if we don't count that he pays lots of personal attention in what I have to say, my health, helps me out and acts like a gentleman and shares about himself/asks about me and shows respect and fascination. I'm extremely attracted to his voice and his pupils once were dilated. He stares at me often with a smile when in a conversation or from afar, but he kind of seems passive. Do you think he's attracted to me?

Do you think this guy may have feelings for me?
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