Is he joking or texting the waters?


Long time friend (we are M/F late 20s, not dating each other and both single ATM) has made some jokes about getting married and a (poorly worded) comment about pregnancy (at least three in a span of four days, but always with other people around). The latter was in the midst of a semi-serious conversation and his comment was not worded as a general ‘your partner something something’, but as ‘I something something’. Is he just joking, or hinting at a deeper relationship?

For a bit more context, neither speaks to each other in our native language, so miscommunications/awkward word choices do happen on occasion, but we’re both fluent in our common language. I have met his parents and siblings at his invitation, and he is clear on my no-one introduced to parents unless it cannot be helped policy (weird family dynamics, and even if he is never more than friend I’d rather shield him from that as long as possible…), but still helps me try to plan things to do when they pop around. Lastly, this is a situation where we became friends with no expectations/ulterior motives, but I have developed deeper feelings for him over time and was under the firm impression that he felt (and would always feel) only friendship. With the recent comments, though, I am not sure whether I am seeing what I hope is there, or if he might be testing the waters…

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Oh, if unclear, the joke was about us marrying each other, not marriage in general.

Thanks for the replies so far, just a cowardly gal trying to figure out whether to stuff feelings into a box again or to coax the embers back to life.
Is he joking or texting the waters?
4 Opinion