Is this guy into me or was he just trying to be nice?

Hello everyone I just want a personal opinion about this guy because I think I really like him. I was from a lecture today then we were registering for extra curricular I was with my girlfriends then a group of boys came up to us and they were just talking to the girls since they studied at a co-education school in the previous level and they meet at university and I was just standing with the girls who's a mutual friend with them so she was talking to one of the boys and then he asked "Won't you introduce me to your friend and she introduced me and he kept staring at me for a while but I tried to avoid eye contact and I was being very shy so he just was staring at times and when he was done with what he came for he left. So what does this situation mean does he like me or is he just trying to be nice. Help folks cause I am crushing hard
Is this guy into me or was he just trying to be nice?
Post Opinion