Am I the only one finding his behavior weird, what are your thoughts?

Last week a guy send a dm asking if he can ask a question. I noticed he liked photos on my photography account (dm on personal) so I said yes cuz I thought it would be about it. Anyways we started talking but he made very weird comments that got me confused and creeped out. Such as: Are there many forest in the city you live in? (He said it’s good to go for a walk time to time.) then he told me to take good care of my hair and explained his whole character. Also he also said things like “we can take photos together” or “we can eat together.” This all happened on the very first day we started talking. A few days later I got very busy with school so I responded shortly or really late. Also because I got weirded out. It was projectweek and mine didn’t go well so I was down and wasn’t in the mood to talk with him. I decided to respond to him telling that I don’t do so well and stuff, then he started asking the same questions again. Like: Do you have a parttime job (+where)? Which city where you in again? Do you plan on studying after your degree? These are all questions I answered before. So I decided to ignore him. I ignored him for a week. And yesterday he sent I dm saying he didn’t hear from me in a few days etc. I told him that there are things going on and I want to focus on myself. He said I understand. And kept on asking questions.. I hoped he would stop tbh.
I do find his behavior very weird, I can’t be the only one thinking so?
here are some additional facts:

he is 7 years older than me. (30)

He doesn’t even follow me on both of my accounts.

what are your thoughts?

It’s a 🚩!!!
Normal behavior
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I don't know what to do, please help me out 🙏
Am I the only one finding his behavior weird, what are your thoughts?
Post Opinion