How can I stop inadvertently acting nonchalant towards guys I like out of fear?

Whenever I like a guy I fall very quick you and very hard so my number one goal become not showing it: It could be the most unthreatening guy in the world and I’ll assume he’ll start judging me.

This backfired on me though because he could be very friendly and ever complimenting me etc and I won’t know how to handle it and I’ll come off as disinterested or even like I’m ignoring him.

For example, he says hi in the hallway, I feel overwhelmed and don’t respond or reposed too quietly for him to hear. Or I’ll make eye contact and not smile. or we’ll be walking next to eachother, I don’t say anything or just act like I don’t see him and I’m one my phone.

I’ll have no trouble talking to these guys for longgg conversations but basic small stuff I just flop at which makes all the guys I like think I’m ignoring them or something which isn’t true. It’s just scares me shitless. What should I do? (Other than just smile back or greet him, that’s the hard part!)

How can I stop inadvertently acting nonchalant towards guys I like out of fear?
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