He watches every single one of my insta stories?

So I post stuff on my story all the time like memes and motivational stuff. This has happened every single time. Every story I post he sees it every single one. Just yesterday and today I posted a story 16 hrs ago then 11 hrs ago then 5 hrs ago then 2 then 10 min just now and he has watched them. I am just trying to understand if this is just a normal behavior. He doesn’t text me first and only replies to my texts. He follows 1210 people. Why of the 1210 people He is continuously looking at my story. I know everyone is different but if I am not interested in someone I don’t look at their story what they have to post doesn’t interest me. The only reason I would see someone story if it’s because I am attracted to them. I mean I would occasionally see them but not continuously. I was just wondering from the men in this app could it be just a coincidence? What could this mean? If I am looking into it too much let me know. For me it doesn’t make sense please help me.
He watches every single one of my insta stories?
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