Guys, Am I Crazy or Did My Coworker Try to Sleep with Me?


At a recent work Christmas party, a coworker who is at least 10 years older than me and has a girlfriend put his hand on my knee twice when sitting next to me - one of which he squeezed and caressed it and then when I needed help back to my hotel because I was super drunk, he caressed my hip and lower back while we were in the elevator and going to my building. Once we were in the building though, he told me it looked like I knew my way to my room and left me. I spent the next week so anxious, confused, conflicted and just a mess. I like him and he’s cute and funny and a great coworker but he has a girlfriend and I don’t want the drama. At a recent meeting after the party, I felt a bit awkward but I don't know why because technically nothing happened! He made string intense eye contact with me though that burned a hole through me and made me feel like okay, there is an air of something here - sex, tension, awkwardness I don't know but something. We both acted like our normal selves though and I felt better. Then yesterday he randomly called me and I thought okay, he wants to talk about what happened- but we didn’t. We talked for 45 minutes about everything but that, like we just kept skirting around it. I have no idea why he called, he never really said but we just talked like we always have (we have always got along well and can talk for hours). So what is he thinking? Did I misread the whole thing? Did he not want to sleep with me? Am I crazy?

Guys, Am I Crazy or Did My Coworker Try to Sleep with Me?
7 Opinion