I don't get this guy? just a friend? potential interest and bad texting?

So basically I talked to this guy twice in group setting. He was handsome to the point I thought he was out of my league at least appearancewise. Somehow I ended up getting his IG. He replied to my story one day and I did too on another day. He also started liking my selfies on my stories. There is no flirting going on. But for some reason weve be been having meaningless chats or attempts of chats for almost a month. He would send a reel I would send one back I would comment on it etc. but we are not friends I at least don't see us as that. I've only seen the guy twice. I know nothing about him. I put effort in my texting try keep the Convo going but I don't know what is in his mind. We might have a little chat then that ends and he asks τι νεα what's new. he asks what's new every single f time. and when I answer what im up to he would say nicee or have fun instead of asking a follow up question like I would do to keep the convo going. He never asks anything specific. He would also leave me on read after a convo ended instead of liking a message. He would read a message and answer wayyyyy later. I'm I friends with him? Is he a really bad dry texter? Is he kinda interested? I have no f idea. Personally I wouldn't like a guys selfie on IG if I didn't like him I only like my fem friends selfies, scenery pics, quotes or groups pics but never selfies of guys or strangers. And I mean why would he reply to my stories in the first place. I don't really think guys and girls can be close friends if they are not in a group of friends. Basically I don't really get why he would even send me a reel or reply to my story if he is not gonna open a conversation.

I don't get this guy? just a friend? potential interest and bad texting?
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