Crush has been ignoring me every since he got a girlfriend. What is going on?


Every since he got a girlfriend he has been very distant with me. For example, before he got one we would text a lot and he would often open up to me and we would talk about what he was going through. We would also joke around too. Not anymore. I didn’t understand what was going on at first until I started seeing him hang out with a girl. Not too much later he said they got into a relationship. Honestly I just want to see him happy, but it hurts that he has been extremely distant with me now. I don’t know what to do or even know what exactly is going on in his head for him to act this way. I have ideas, but I’m not completely sure and would like other people to help me figure this all out.

Crush has been ignoring me every since he got a girlfriend. What is going on?
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