How long do guys generally wait before getting in contact after "hooking up" for the first time if they are interested?


On Friday night I had a date with a guy. We had previously had a couple of dates and a lot of "back and forth" last year. Partly because then we lived in different cities anyway.

He was great even though he mentioned he was struggling a bit with depression and waiting for talking therapy. Eventually he ghosted me totally contact wise. I didn't hear from him at all for 4 months even though we were now living in the same city.

Then he messaged out the blue saying his depression had got worse, and he had spent 2 months in a psychiatric clinic but wanted to meet up. We did, and he was clearly in a much better place. Much more "present" and even though he was charming, witty, talkative etc before he was clearly happier in himself. We went for drinks in at a fancy hotel cocktail bar. Got a little tipsy but not totally drunk or anything. Afterwards we went for a short walk to smoke, he kissed me and said he would really like to continue "not necessarily to do anything but to talk more without drink". He suggested we get a room in the hotel as my brother is visiting me, and his place was over an hour away from where we were. I was really shocked as it's super expensive and very nice. He expressed surprise at himself too but said that "it just felt right".

We didn't have full sex as we did have condoms but did everything else basically. He kept telling me how beautiful he thinks I am, pointing out things he liked about me. Chatted and cuddled lots. In the morning we went for another little walk then to get a coffee before parting ways. He said again how great it was kissed me etc (but didn't mention a next date).

I'm anxious as I really like him and hope this we be our time to make a real go of things now. But I'm worried cuz he essentially ghosted me before, even if due to mental health crisis. Do you think it sounds like it went well? When would be realistic to expect to hear from him. He's really intelligent and must know I have worries due to his past behaviour.

How long do guys generally wait before getting in contact after "hooking up" for the first time if they are interested?
6 Opinion