Guys, Why did the salesman laugh?

Guys, Why did the salesman laugh?

My ex took me to the hardware store, and we just asked the guy if he would cut us four 6-foot sections of his softest, cotton rope. Why would you not buy soft rope, and what's wrong with short pieces of rope. Lots of people like short, soft pieces of rope. It comes in handy if you need it. (true story) He didn't actually laugh, but he did smile and giggle. I wanted to wait in the car, but my boyfriend made me come in. I hold a white belt in karate, and wanted to punch the salesman's lights out. (I used to have a black belt, but they demoted me)

A lot of home improvement projects require short, soft, small pieces of cotton rope. Like if the front door doesn't shut right, or if the fridge door won't stay closed.

Guys, Why did the salesman laugh?
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