Do I continue giving this guy space?

This guy I've been talking to and seeing pretty consistently has been growing distant and at first I thought it was because he was extremely stressed out over an interview he has been preparing for.

After a day of some on & off texting, he did text me to let me know what was going on, on top of his stress for the interview he's been having a rough week with personal things as well and gave me heads up that if he seems distant then now I know why.

I offered him my support and did my absolute best to give him space because I could tell that's what he wanted. He did end up texting after 24hrs of not talking to me to share some good news about how he passed his interview and moves onto the next process and also how he was still having a rough week.

It did give me some sort of peace of mind that he was able to reach back out to share some good news and talk to me a bit but I can tell he's still being distant. He stopped texting me again but I figured it's because he was slammed with calls back to back (he works for a fire department) and haven't heard back since yesterday and now I am back to having anxious thoughts.

I don't know what to do or what to think because I feel like there is still a chance of him checking out and ghosting me..

Do I continue giving this guy space?
Post Opinion