This behaviour is not excusable right even if his angry? Especially at his big age?

my boyfriend and I have been together for 3yrs now he is also 12 years older and the other day we had a bit of an argument (he has this idea that I’m a “different person” with makeup on ) during the argument he stopped me and asked me to go wash my face , I said ,”no”

because I feel like I’m the same person with or without. He then left saying I’m the one making a big deal out of when I felt like it was him who blew it way out of proportion.

he later came back while I was asleep and spoke about how nonchalant I am and that he think I am shallow and that I have no personality my personality is Twitter. He went on to express his disgust for me because for the past 3yrs I have given him nothing to work with. he told me that I should find a hobby (mind you I study and have a small business he doesn’t even have a job )

he told me he knows hoes and 16yr olds with more depth than me. I really didn’t understand this behaviour I was honestly shocked and didn’t say a word. I get that he might have been hurt that I was but unresponsive but to try put someone you love down like that isn’t love right?

This behaviour is not excusable right even if his angry? Especially at his big age?
Post Opinion