Guys, is it a turn-on for you, if a girl (any girl you have sex with) openly expresses their feelings about you?

I wonder if I'm being creepy or kinda cute, because there's this guy I've been hooking up with and none of us wants anything serious, but I really enjoy telling him compliments and being attentive to little details, like e. g. he always deletes his birthday on social medias, but I always remember and send him happy birthday texts, and if he posts something, I always like it and if he discusses that or something else besides sex, I always tell him how handsome/sexy/smart/special/etc. he is.

I've never been that much positive person, but I just enjoy giving him those daily affirmations. I even screenshoted parts about him written in my diary and sent him to confirm I was being like 100% sincere.

So guys, would you find that cute or creepy?
Guys, is it a turn-on for you, if a girl (any girl you have sex with) openly expresses their feelings about you?
Guys, is it a turn-on for you, if a girl (any girl you have sex with) openly expresses their feelings about you?
12 Opinion