How to turn the situation around? please I will reward you with points for the best answer ?

I like him a lot and I think he likes me too. We have two totally different personalities and that's what draws us to each other (at least I think). He knows I'm interested in him, he gets embarrassed in public and doesn't show interest, but when we're alone I sense he likes me. Lately he totally ignores me and seems to do it on purpose, as if to make me nervous. he knows I hate being ignored and if I talk to him or ask him anything he doesn't respond, It's something that everyone has noticed (we are colleagues) and today I told him "I know that you ignore me just to see my reaction, it is clear that you want to make me nervous for fun" (I don't mean that he wants to tease me, I think it's his way of flirting?)
He laughed, as if to confirm my hypothesis and replied "oh does this really make you nervous?" Looking at me defiantly.
What do you think of this? Am I right to believe that this is his way of getting my attention or not? How do I turn the situation around?
How to turn the situation around? please I will reward you with points for the best answer ?
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