Why is it some guys flirt even when in a relationship?

I have somewhat of a crush on this guy who works in a store near where I work. It's the closest one to my job and also the cheapest one, so I go in there often to pick up a few bits and bobs and sometimes to do a weekly shop.

But every time I go there he also tends to be working and he's always pretty flirty and sweet and we share words while at the till. Today I went there to grab a few things, and despite me going to a different till he turned around several times said hi, then made a jokey comment, then said there's the smile I love seeing.

And it's super sweet... but he's dating another girl. And while I won't lie and say I don't enjoy it, I'd rather receive comments like that from an available guy. Plus if he's like that with me, just how many other girls does he say things like that too, and yes he's aware of my attraction to him.

But if you're in a relationship why act like that, I don't understand it? Is it a guy thing at all?
8 mo
Other things he's said is hi beautiful, gorgeous, you look stunning in that. Whenever I see you, you brighten up my day. The first time we flirted he told me he has a girlfriend, since then he's also said he's brought a washing machine with her. As for him knowing, I went through a stage of being super clumsy. I said, I don't know why I keep doing this, I swear it only happens around you. Maybe it's my dashing good looks then that causes you to stop and stare.
Why is it some guys flirt even when in a relationship?
10 Opinion