Why did he unfollow me?


Hey, we have been talking on and off from 2018. It's interesting, it started as really good and we connected. He asked me if I wanted to be mentored by him, I said no because I'm good on my own. He then stopped texting me and unfollowed me for like 1.5 years. Then he came back, few months ago with cryptid texts about us being mentally so close, and I try to be open minded and positive with him until he tries to have control of me. I feel like he tries to become someone he controls? Few days ago he asked me if I wanted to be his personal assistant. I said no, but I told him I'd instead would like to get to know him better as a person without having this type of hierarchical relationship-ish thing. He again, unfollows me.

What do you think this man wants from me?

I'm kind of confused. He insists I'm a version of him, but less. That I need mentoring and someone superior like him. I resist and suggest him equal friendship. He then makes it look like I fail to be his level and he does not have to talk to me about anything.

He then suddenly unfollows. What's wrong? I think I fail to read his intentions.

Why did he unfollow me?
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