Will he miss me?


I have given up on a 7 year situationship. We was never together; but we was always more then friends. I felt exhausted the past few months, I put so much energy and time into him. He would let me down more times than not. I felt like I was wishing away weeks just to see him/ speak with him. (We are longggggg distance) although I love him, I felt I had to leave the situation as it wasn’t healthy. I recently became pregnant and I felt he left me to deal with the aftermath, he failed to communicate like an adult and just ghosted me for a few weeks. I eventually got an abortion with no help from him and it wasn’t until after that he stated he wanted the baby, and if he knew I wanted him there etc he would have. I feel he won’t ever change and I will never mean anything to him. I don’t feel valued and my time doesn’t feel appreciated. I have ceased all communication and left without any reason given. I’m heart broken, I know he cares about me in some way, we have been close friends since high school, but I will just never be enough. I guess the only closure I’m looking for is someone to tell me he won’t forget me and I did mean something, even though I won’t allow us to ever friends again, I just need to know that it wasn’t all for nothing to be able to fully move on and let go. Would a man continue a close relationship (talking everyday) for over 7 years. Meeting up here and there and of course sex. He even got a tattoo of my portrait, I can’t believe it was all for nothing.

Will he miss me?
2 Opinion