Why do my guy friends constantly tease and belittle me?

Im not sure if this is a guy way of showing affection. I know guys do it to each other but they do it to me and it gets a bit extensive. Usually 2 or 3 of them would throw insults and such at me. It got to the point where I had enough because there was 6 guys doing it and told them off for it

They kept the teasing down to a minimum now and explained they do a little "trolling" and "memeing" and did not mean anything by it. Then it got to the point where a couple started indirectly belittling me.

Some have completely stopped, others have respected my wishes and kept it very mild and one other continues this behaviour.

They said I am way too sensitive but I believe there is a line to be drawn? Like not insulting or belittling. I feel like they try to pull me down, I started playing FPS games and they pull me down with that, teasing and belittling me. None of them play with me anymore because I am apparently very bad at the game.

I have no idea what to do. One of them has completely stopped and does not cross the line. The rest cannot have a conversation with without belittling me once.
Why do my guy friends constantly tease and belittle me?
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