My boyfriend hasn’t initiated a conversation in almost a week, when usually we talk at least every other day. Does he hate me or am I just insecure?


He initiated a conversation last Tuesday

I initiated a conversation last Thursday

I initiated another conversation Saturday

Today is Monday

It’s pretty normal for us only to talk every other day, but usually the person who texts first alternates. My biggest fear in this relationship is being too clingy or needy or annoying in any way, but I know for a fact he loves me, so am I just overthinking things and being insecure? If so, should I just wait and see if he texts me, or initiate another conversation? I miss talking to him a lot, but I want to make sure I don’t seem needy and don’t bother him if he’s busy.

3 mo
I talked to him on the phone and told him that basically he doesn’t need to be afraid to reach out first, because I love talking to him and I’ll never be doing something that’s more important than talking to him, and that I’m afraid of being too clingy or annoying him. Turns out, he feels the same way :)
My boyfriend hasn’t initiated a conversation in almost a week, when usually we talk at least every other day. Does he hate me or am I just insecure?
3 Opinion