Why did he act interested first and reject me a month later?


Caught a guy checking me out pretty much every day, when we talked he was very friendly and kept extending the conversation, asked about my plans for tonight, weekend, hobbies and interests, where I live and especially my living situation (who I live with, for how long, what it’s like etc.), complemented my fragrance and insisted on driving me home since we live in the same neighborhood.

These questions might seem like friendly small talk but I got a flirty vibe from him since he almost desperately agreed on everything I said and tried to extend the conversation and comment on every little detail I said and given the fact that he checked me out multiple times prior.

The next time I saw him he sat next to me but focussed on work. He was still friendly but not interested at all in talking to me. Later he disclosed that he had a girlfriend that was about to move into his apartment and seemed pretty closed off compared to last time. Did he lie about having a girlfriend or did he flirt with me despite his girlfriend? Or did I just imagine everything and he was just being friendly? Why would a guy reject a girl he is attracted to?

Why did he act interested first and reject me a month later?
3 Opinion