He said he wants to see me but hasn’t made an effort?

A guy from my past resurfaced recently, an old friend that I had brief “stage” with, I don’t even know what to call it. About a year after my breakup with my ex, this friend would occasionally message me flirty things and then we ended up sleeping together. I told him I had feelings for him but he said he didn’t, and we agreed to keep it friendly as I was moving anyway. We didn’t stay in contact but I moved back last year and now he’s the one that lives far away, about 3 hours. My feelings for him never changed but I respected that he didn’t have any.
Anyway he started messaging me again recently and I don’t know if this is the right thing to do but I’m nervous to show too much interest and push him away so I haven’t. He said something about taking me to a movie where he lives but he didn’t exactly ASK me so I didn’t say yes or anything. So then a little bit later he said he wants to come see me instead. I was surprised but said if he wanted to drive that far he can, and he said yes. But then we didn’t make any plans because he ended up leaving me on read and hasn’t followed up. This was yesterday, now it’s Monday and I know he’s got work and he’s busy and everything but it’s got me anxious about his intentions or his seriousness on if he’s actually coming to see me.
I’m scared about reaching out, coming on too strong, etc because I don’t want to push him away. Our relationship has been rocky the last few years and we’ve had our ups and downs and unfortunately it has made me constantly unsure of where we stand. I don’t want to be rejected by him yet again. I REALLY want to see him. My male friend said I didn’t sound interested and that made him think I’m not, but I don’t think I came off uninterested. I guess looking back, I could’ve though. Does he really want to see me? Why? As friends or something else? Why hasn’t he followed up?
He said he wants to see me but hasn’t made an effort?
1 Opinion