We are basically strangers so why does he care about my opinion?

There is a quiet bar that I pass by semi frequently. There is a bouncer who sits/stands outside. We've only ever made awkward eye contact.

One day, I was walking a bit of a ways behind a girl who had a great ass and, when she passed by him he was ogling it. Not just a glance but a long long long stare.

I assumed he would be that kind of piggish type so it was funny to me.

When he realised I probably saw him, since I passed by soon after and he saw me coming, he put his head down and was on his phone clearly ashamed. (I saw with my peripheral vision).

I've seen guys ogle women in front of me plenty and not care. Why did he seems so embarassed? Especially since we are nothing to one another.

We are basically strangers so why does he care about my opinion?
We are basically strangers so why does he care about my opinion?
Post Opinion