I wanna talk to this guy about his feelings cause it seems he likes me back and just doesn’t know how to show it but i’m super scared he doesn’t?

We’ve had this connection all year since the beginning and it’s been on and off and so I’m pretty sure he knows I like him and I’m pretty sure he likes me yk like I am not stupid I notice how he looks at me and how he leans in when I’m talking and when he’s busy holding stuff he will put things on my leg you know flirty gestures and tap me and everything else a teenage boy would do for you but for some odd reason he won’t tell me how he feels so I’m conflicted on why and what to do the school year is almost out and I’m running out of time to really be able to figure it out…. you see I told him I liked him and he never rejected me he never has not said he doesn’t like me so I’m wondering what is stoping him Because WITH his eyes and mannerisms I can tell that he obviously STILL likes me all year….. so what can I do? At this point

I wanna talk to this guy about his feelings cause it seems he likes me back and just doesn’t know how to show it but i’m super scared he doesn’t?
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