My coworker offered me to drop but I refused to go to my place then he asked if I have a date why?

Your co worker wanted to drop you off at your place but instead you told him to drop you off somewhere. He then asked you if you have a date with a guy near the market just because you refused him to drop you off at your place?

I badly need your insights on this. Thank youuu! 🙏

23 d
*****Background of our history:
I said to him before that I like him as a person. But he did not replied. I asked him to have a coffee with me but he said before that he's busy and wanted to rescheduled it next month. After his rejection, I keep my distance at him. Now because I said to him that there's ghost at my office, he is offering to be with me so that I will not be afraid while doing my work. He is also asking me to accompany him going to other place of our job by joining in his car.
23 d
Is he just being friendly despite of him being stingy to our co workers as they said except that he's asking me to have lunch with him and drop me off at my place? Asking me if I had a date just because I didn't allow him to drop me off at my place?
My coworker offered me to drop but I refused to go to my place then he asked if I have a date why?
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