Pre and Post workout nutrition, could you be sabotaging you workouts?

Disclaimer here guys and girls, I am by no means a expect on this and don't do any of these things because I said so, some will claim what I say her is purely "broscience" but this is what I believe and I can without a doubt say it has worked for me.

So you go to the gym, you lift, you leave. Done right? This is how a lot of people do it these days and yea I guess if you aren't really trying to add muscle or "tone" for the ladies it's fine but what if I told you that your workout would be a lot more effective if you took a few steps before and after your workout.

Pre workouts, I never used to be a fan. i started taking pre about the time when I got serious into lifting around 8 months ago, I can without a doubt say that pre workout gives you that edge in the gym, the focus and mental drive to get you in the right mindset and caffeine to energise you. If you do take pre however listen to the instructions don't over take it.

1) It could be dangerous

2) You will gain tolerance to it

Personally I cycle my pre workouts every 6-10 weeks because you become tolerant to them and I find this way I keep my edge without over using. Along with your pre I would recommend some simple and quick carbs to energise you throughout your workout, this stopes you using muscle as a energy when you get fatigues. I use poptarts personally, some use donuts etc.

Pre and Post workout nutrition, could you be sabotaging you workouts?

Post workout - (This is what some consider broscience) I won't go into details on this I will just say what I believe. After you train your body is in a depleted state, your energy is low and your muscles are covered in microscopic tears that you need to repair to grow, if you have a post workout meal this gives it what it needs to begin the process. I recommend 40g of quick protein (whey) and 30-40g of quick carbs, I use a pop tart here again. I also take glutamine, creatine and bcaa to give my body everything it needs to begin the repair process. There are lots of different views on this and for some it's bs and others live and die by the so called anabolic window.

Pre and Post workout nutrition, could you be sabotaging you workouts?

Also for reference some people believe the window is 30 min some believe 60. I do 30 min, I literally drop the weights, pick up a shake.

Thanks for reading and I urge you to try adjusting you pre and post nutrition, it will aid growth and recovery.

Also with supplements, I take them and I check them out first, if you are going to use them research them, check with your Dr, don't go just taking everything and do as it says on the tub.

Pre and Post workout nutrition, could you be sabotaging you workouts?
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