Mental Disorders/Illnesses Are Like Being On Drugs


Mental disorders/illnesses are like being on drugs

I've thought about this for a while now. Everytime I see anything talking about symtoms people have. When they take illegal drugs or some other kinds.They just sound like they give themselves symtoms from a mental disorder/illness for a short period of time. So then I wonder why the fuck would anyone want to have a mental disorder/illness for any time period? Though only difference between the two. A mental disorder/illness doesn't cause organs and other things to shut down. Most drugs tend to normally kill the person who is taking it. So I will talk about the symtoms of metnal disorders/illnesses and then compare to how drugs cause people to feel the same thing.

So the list of every abused drugs I will just use a website that lists them all.


When you have adhd/add the main symtoms are Inattention, Hyperactivity, and Impulsivity. Which there are other things that come along with it. If you read about them or hear it from someone. It will sound like someone showing symtoms like they were on some kind of drug. Though sadly it's not and that's just how their brain works. I've lived with it my whole life so when I hear others talking about any drug side effects. They all sound like how I feel everyday of my life.


With this one you normally see Hallucinations, Delusions, Confused thoughts and speech, Different movements, Emotionless, Withdrawal, Struggling with the basics of daily life, No follow-through, Memory. Again things you would see in some kind of drug a person would take.

Anxiety & Panic Disorders

Symptoms are feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness, problems sleeping, cold or sweaty hands and/or feet, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, an inability to be still and calm, dry mouth, numbness or tingling in the hands or feet, nausea, muscle tension, and dizziness.

A lot of people these days tend to have these issues. Which why would you want to take a drug that makes you end up with the same issues as this disorder?


Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness, hopelessness, angry outbursts, irritability, frustration, loss of interest and pleasure in most or all normal activities, sleep disturbances, tiredness and lack of energy, changes in appetite, anxiety, agitation, restlessnes, slowed thinking/reaction, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, fixating on past failures or blaming yourself for things that aren't your responsibility,trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things, frequent or recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts or suicide.

This one is horrible to feel. Which in some drugs you take you end up feeling this. Which again I don't see why anyone would want to risk feeling this way.Though depression is something you can get out of and change.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

This one deals with obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. Which this one tends to show up in other mental disorders/illnesses. Not only that but they show up in some drugs people take as well.

These are just some examples of mental disorders I can think of. That also show up in any drugs you might take or abuse. Like I've said above with drugs that is something you can get rid of completely. With mental disorders/illnesses there is no cure. Some of them they can go away completely with help. Majority of them won't and you have to learn to live with them. Even if you got help for it. They still won't fully go away.

People put such emphasis on getting drug addicts help.Yet most don't really think much about getting people with mental disorders/illnesses help. Those people are suffering too but with how health care tends to work these days. Most can't afford to get the help they truly need. I know I'm one of those people that have struggled to afford the help I need. I still can't do a lot of other things I need to help me. Still doesn't matter since I don't have the money I can't get the help I need. So like most in my situation. You end up falling behind everyone else.

There are studies proving that people with mental disorders/illnesses. Tend to be the ones that do the most consuming of those drugs people look down on. They do this to help them cope with the disorder/illness they already have. Individuals with overt, mild, or even subclinical mental disorders may abuse drugs as a form of self-medication. Why would people let them slip through the cracks and go that far as to try and help them handle the symtoms?

Plus majority of the people with any mental disorder/illness feel ashamed. Like they are broken and anyone that is "normal." Makes them feel worse about how they struggle with it. Yet most people will run straight to the aid of a person taking drugs. They seem to feel more sympathy. Yet with mental disorders/illnesses they are seen as dangerous a lot,crazy, and anything else you can think of. For any shootings done by someone that was crazy. That makes people with mental disorders/illnesses seem like monsters. People become afraid of them and want nothing to do with them.

So with all of what I said. Which I'm not sure if it all made perfect sense. When people take drugs they are almost like the people with mental disorders/illnesses. The difference is the normal people that take drugs. They did that of their own free will. The ones with mental disorders/illness did not ask for it. They were born with it but are treated as if they had asked for it.

I hope you enjoyed the myTake and gave you something to think about. Also I'll leave you with some websites showing how if mental disorders/illnesses were like monsters.

Mental Disorders/Illnesses Are Like Being On Drugs
4 Opinion