Things Not To Say To People With Mental Illnesses

Mental illness awareness is necessary.

Things Not To Say To People With Mental Illnesses.

"it's all in your head."

No shit. It's a MENTAL illness.

"Just cheer up!" -for depression

Cause it's that easy.

"Just calm down/don't worry!" -for anxiety

It's not that easy. Anxiety is caused by irrational fears.

"You're crazy."

Plain rude and disrespectful.

"What is wrong with you?"

Once again, disrespectful and rude.

"Just get over it."

That's not how this works.

"It doesn't need to be perfect/you're so anal." -for OCD

They literally can't help it. If it means making things perfectly straight or counting 5 blue things before/after doing something. It freaks them out if they can't do/fix whatever.

"Just eat already!" -for anorexia

Anorexia/bulimia is a psychological battle for the way an individual percieves their body image.

Those with Anorexia just can't start eating without wishing to die, those with bulimia can't eat without wanting to throw up immediately afterwards.

"It's not real."

It is very real, as real as cancer. But try telling that to a Vet with PTSD and see what they say/do.

Mental illnesses are a real problem. Whether it's PTSD, depression, anxiety, OCD, schizophrenia etc. These are problems, just as cancer and diabetes are. If you had cancer, you wouldn't berate yourself for it. If someone else had diabetes you wouldn't say "Just get over it!"

Also, the stigma of depression or anxiety or OCD being attractive/something you'd want? it's BULLSHIT.

Those who ACTUALLY have mental illnesses do not want them. Just be nice to them and treat them like any other friend. Anybody can have any of the above, regardless of age or gender or intelligence. They can even have a combination of them, OCD+depression or PTSD+Anxiety...anything.

Of course they may need to be treated in different ways according to their illness but you gotta understand, they can't control it. It's not their fault.

Mental illness is like fighting a war where the enemy's strategy is to convince you that the war isn't actually happening.

Things Not To Say To People With Mental Illnesses

Things Not To Say To People With Mental Illnesses
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