Read This: Only If You Intend to Get Six Pack Abs

Read This: Only If You Intend to Get Six Pack Abs

What is this, 1994? Get out from under your ab roller and pay close attention to what I'm about to say to you if you are dead set on getting a set of six pack of abs, male or female.

10 minutes a day and nothing else won't do it.

100 crunches a day won't do it.

Only working out 2x a week altogether or inconsistent workouts won't do it.

Only doing aerobics won't do it.

Only lifting weights won't do it.

Eating crap and drinking sodas and alcohol won't do it.

Half assing it...definitely...won' abs!

If you are already reading that list and making excuses, or thinking you know some secret pill or easy way to get abs, or are about to tell me some story about how a cousin of yours ate crap and has abs, put yourself on mute and walk away, because you definitely aren't ready.

*The Fine Print*

Like any other thing you want to do and succeed at physically such as run a marathon, be able to lift heavier weights, do ballet, swim 5 miles...whatever, it requires hard work, steady dedication, constant practice, and a good diet, and doing whatever it takes to fulfill your ultimate goal...IF you intend to do it right and to see lasting results. Everyone will tell you there is some quick fix or some stupid plan that has nothing to do with the words "actually working out and actually eating right," but some silly gimmick, but I can guarantee you that following some late night infomercial plan/video promising you the world in 7 minutes will end in you being pissed off, wasting your time and money, and frustrated that you still don't have abs. STOP trying to take the easy route and earn your set of abs through hard work and dedication to getting a body you can be proud of overall.

Read This: Only If You Intend to Get Six Pack Abs

Your Diet

First things first, clean up your diet. Exercise, no matter how good, won't mean a darn thing if you are eating crap. There are so many "this is the right diets," but to me, they all tend to over-complicate the issue so in layman's terms, let's talk basic abs diet. You should already know, cut the alcohol, sugary or soda drinks, the junk food/fast food out, bye, gone baby. Muscles are made of protein. You need to get your protein in, but you don't need to eat an entire cow's worth with every meal. A serving size of protein is about the size of a deck of cards or the palm of your hand. Stick to your lean meats like turkey, chicken, lean beef, and your healthy fat fish like salmon. Try to get some in with every meal and/or get in some deli slices as snacks here and there.

When it comes to veg, you can go crazy. Eat as much as you want, just make sure your idea of eating vegetables isn't slathering them with butter, oils, or sauces. You want to get your carbs in in the morning, slice of whole grain toast, fiber rich cereal, etc., but generally avoid them after the lunch hour. Fruits, go with 2-3 pieces of whole fruits as is to take full advantage of the fiber they provide, but blending them up into a smoothie with or without a side of veg in there works too. Limit your fats and oils consumption and make sure you are drinking water, water, and more water. It helps overall that instead of just focusing in on 3 meals a day, you eat every 3-4 hours, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and your dinner so that your blood sugar levels are steady and you aren't ravenous waiting for a big meal where you will undoubtedly overeat.

Read This: Only If You Intend to Get Six Pack Abs


Your muscles work in tandem with each other. A strong healthy set of shoulders helps a strong set of biceps. A strong healthy back helps build a strong set of abs and on down and around your body. This is precisely why you cannot spot train, because no muscle is an island. You need to focus on working all of the muscles of the torso (as well as the rest of your body) to help you to really carve out those abs. The abs by themselves are such a small muscle in comparison to many of your others so trying to spot train really in earnest isn't doing much by itself. Make sure you're getting in a weight workout, not just abs, on both upper and lower body ideally at least 3x/week.

Read This: Only If You Intend to Get Six Pack Abs


I'll say it again, 100 crunches a day won't do it. One more time: one hundred crunches a day alone won't do it! A lot of women specifically are still hung up on early 2000's Britney Spears mantra that she did like 500 crunches a day to maintain her abs, but what you didn't also hear is that she was working with a trainer who also made her work out the rest of her body too and helped her stick to a clean diet. The videos below and any other routines like it are meant for you to do in tandem with other workouts. Crunches are okay, but they aren't the best thing in the world on their own. You need to work these muscles doing consistent, high intensity, overload training. Most people waste a bunch of time doing some crunches with bad form rather than doing more intense work, less reps, with a variety of exercises that really tackle more of the muscles in your torso. Here are some good examples of routines. Pay close attention to the form and be sure you utilize the same when you do these and other abs specific routines. Do these 2-3x per week.


Nope, didn't forget this one. You need some cardio as well. A body bogged down with copious amounts of fat isn't going to have you seeing that six pack in the mirror. Abs like any other body part can be covered in a heavy layer of fat if you don't exercise the muscles underneath on a regular basis. Weight training will help strengthen the muscles and cardio will help you to shed the fat needed to see those muscles come through. HITT (high intensity interval training) workouts are great fat shredders. There are limitless routines you can find online, but the concept is simple, do one high intensity exercise like sprinting, rowing, jump roping going full force for anywhere from 30 seconds-1 minute, and then rest for 15 seconds to a minute, and then either do the same exercise again at full force, and rest, or ideally do a variety in the high intensity circuit, like 6 exercise, with rests, and then repeat doing 3-4 sets or doing them until failure. Because of the intensity, limit these workouts to no more than 2-3x per week. Because of the intensity required, your HITT workouts need not be any longer than 20-30 minutes total. Otherwise and in between get your cardio in going for a run, fast walking, swimming, playing anything to routinely get your heart rate up. If you're just doing cardio and weights, no HITT, aim for 2-3x/week.

Read This: Only If You Intend to Get Six Pack Abs


Abs are earned through consistency, hard work, and dedication. You'll never see the carved abs you want without first and foremost, a clean healthy diet, followed by both routine cardio and overall weight work. You don't need a gym to get some abs or any other muscle group so don't use that as your piss poor excuse as to why you don't have a set.

You are on a computer right now...use it. You have all the knowledge in the world at your fingertips. If you don't know how to do something, by all means do the big girl and big boy thing, and look it up and do some research. In fact, I really don't care if you don't believe a word I've said this entire take, but go do your own research and learn what will work for you or consult with a trainer of your choosing instead of just complaining about nothing and go get those abs!

Read This: Only If You Intend to Get Six Pack Abs
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