Why Tan Skin is Attractive


I'm not going to be PC or write a take that makes you feel good and me look like a "social justice savior" on the internet. Pale skin is ugly and it's culturally and biologically rooted in us to see it that way.

Tan skin's attractiveness to humans has evolutionary roots. However, in modern society (mostly in Asia), cultural norms have flipped this preference 180.

Pale Skin vs Tan Skin
Pale Skin vs Tan Skin

Why is tan skin attractive?

Let me explain. In Asia, pale skin is preferred because it was a "sign" of social status. If your skin was dark, that meant that you had a laborer job and spent hours outside toiling in the farming fields and sun. Hence, your skin became dark. Those with lighter skin were associated with nobility and wealth.

In the West, the cultural norm is the exact opposite. A big portion of the US is located latitudinally where the sun is weak for at least half of the year If your skin was dark, that meant that you were affluent and wealthy and could afford to spend time and money on vacations at warmer, more tropical places on the Earth and this showed in your skin color.

Pale vs Tanned
Pale vs Tanned

However, evolutionarily the West has it right. Dark skin is more attractive and the scientific reason behind this is quite simple:

Your skin is the most prominent sex organ on your body!

Tan Skin Couples
Tan Skin Couples

Foods high in Beta-Carotene and other Carotenoids are antioxidants. We all know that antioxidants are super healthy for the human body. They also help maintain healthy skin. When the most prominent sex organ on your body looks healthy, you are going to look more attractive to the opposite sex. It's that simple!

One side effect of Beta-Carotene and other Carotenoids is that they give your skin a "healthy glow" and darken your skin.

Tanned guys
Tanned guys

Hence, that is why tans are sexy and pale is not. That's why pale skin "looks unhealthy" to people. It's biologically rooted in us to see pale skin this way.

Culturally, it also means that you are healthy and strong enough to do outdoor activities. When you spend time outdoors, you tan. So, not only is this biologically rooted in humans but it is culturally rooted as well (at least in the West). Yes, I know this is the opposite thinking of Asia's cultural norms but they have it wrong. We got it right.

tanned guy, tanned girl
tanned guy, tanned girl

Why do we prefer Tan Skin?

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. There are guys who prefer fat girls but most do not. There are people (Asian culture) who prefer pale skin but most people do not.

On the plus side, the biological reasons for this preference means you can eat foods high in Carotenoids to give your skin a "natural glow" and tan. It won't be as dark as a suntan but it will look better than your standard pale skin.

hot tan guys
hot tan guys

Get off the internet and go play outdoors. It's healthier for you and your skin will show it. Of course, if you burn easily, use protection but don't overdo it.

* DON'T go out and tan, that is just stupid!

* DO go out and participate in outdoor activities and you'll naturally get darker.

Humans do need sun on our skin, it's how we make Vitamin D. Because most of us in the West work indoors for most of the day, there's actually a lot of people who don't get enough Vitamin D. Feel free to google that.

Tanned girl, before and after
Tanned girl, before and after

However, don't overdo the sun either! As with all healthy things, do it in moderation! There is always such a thing as too much of a good thing! Just don't believe these anti-sun quacks. As long as you do everything in moderation, you'll be fine and it's actually good for you.

Why Tan Skin is Attractive
128 Opinion