Mens Health Pit-Stop (Self Examination)


Y`all have heard of women self breast examinations but there are ones for men as well.

Mens Health Pit-Stop (Self Examination)

Belly Fat Check

To do this self-check, simply wrap a tape measure around your waist at the level of your belly button. If you measure more than 37 inches, Those tires are what is called visceral fat dangerous stuff, remember Elvis you don`t want to go down that road.

Repeat this exam about once a month.

Mens Health Pit-Stop (Self Examination)

Heart Rate Check

If you go to gym this should be easy to do most treadmills and cardio equipment are fitted with heart rate monitors on the bars and handles.

If you don`t go gym or this plainly isn`t one do this manually; measure your pulse when you’re at rest. Place the first two fingers of one hand on the area at the base of the wrist on your other hand. Count your pulse for 10 seconds and multiply by six. A normal pulse (heart rate) for a man should be between 60 and 100. Anything outside that range could be a sign of cardiovascular problems. You should also pay attention to the space between beats. An irregular pulse could be a sign of atrial fibrillation or other serious heart issues. Repeat this self-exam at least once every month.

Mens Health Pit-Stop (Self Examination)

Blood pressure

This one is not that easy to do and requires investment in a bloodpressure monitor. You should see your doctor for an official reading, but you may also want to keep tabs on your blood pressure at home between check-ups.

Testicular cancer check

Mens Health Pit-Stop (Self Examination)

The best time to do a testicular self-exam is after a shower, when your scrotum is relaxed. Check your testicles for any lumps or changes in size, and let your doctor know if you find anything. Repeat this about once a month.

Mouth cancer

Mens Health Pit-Stop (Self Examination)

Smokers should never skip this one.,,,,,,,,Oral cancer may show up as a sore or lump that doesn't heal on the lips or in the mouth. To check for potential tumors, open wide and look and feel for any abnormalities, running a finger around and under your tongue. White or red patches in your mouth can be early warning signs of oral cancer. Always let your doctor or dentist know about these findings. Repeat this check monthly.

Oral anatomy continued...

Be on the lookout for swollen, painful, bleeding gums or loose teeth. Also check for a receding gum line; it will make your teeth look longer. Gum disease, or periodontitis, is a serious risk to men's health and also may be a warning for more serious health concerns

Last one (I doubt any of the sexes does this frequently)

Mens Health Pit-Stop (Self Examination)
Mens Health Pit-Stop (Self Examination)
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