HIIT Workouts... The Right Way

BeeNee a
HIIT Workouts... The Right Way

If you don't know what HIIT workouts are, HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. It is a form of working out where you must give an all out 90-100% max effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short rest or active recovery periods. When you train like this, it allows you to workout in less time, keeps your heart rate up, and burn more fat in less time. The fact that you can do a short workout and reap some, if not more benefits of a longer steady state lower intensity workout, is what appeals to so many people, but you need to know how to do it correctly. How do you do that?

HIIT Workouts... The Right Way

1. If you can easily recite the Declaration of Independence...

You're not working out hard enough. This workout should leave you huffing and puffing and barely able to put a sentence together. It's not, I usually walk today, let me jog a little for a few minutes in between walking. This is the balls to the walls, all out, sweat dripping from every pore, you're red in the face, you hate everyone by round 5, type of workout.

2. You're resting for 3 minutes...

This workout is quick for a reason, and that's because you push yourself very hard during that 30 sec, 45 second, or minute long interval, and then have a quick rest of 10 sec, 15 sec, 20, or 30 in between and then you go right back to it. You should not be going into a full on restful state or cool down in between sets.

Here's a good example of a HIIT workout

3. You're working out forever...

If you are doing HIIT correctly, the thought of you being able to do an hour long session should make you want to scream. Fifteen, or twenty, or thirty minutes is all you need. It's hard for people to let go of the notion, sometimes, that they must do 45mins to an hour to see benefits of a workout, but trust, keep this under 30. Any longer, you're not really going to see good results, and are probably going to end up passing out or injured.

4. You're not warm...

This is the one time more than any other, where a good warm up is crucial. You're asking to put a lot of stress on your body, joints, and muscles because of the intensity. Spend at least 10 minutes making sure before you start, that you are nice and warm otherwise injury is in your future.

5. You're doing this everyday...

More with HIIT is not better. Even world class athletes work rest days into their schedules to avoid overworking and over-training which can lead to injury. HIIT should be done at the very max, 4 times a week. If you're just starting out, I wouldn't do it over twice a week until you get used to that level of intensity.

6. You're doing HIIT after dinner...

Get right to this as early in the morning as possible. You want your body to be focused solely on burning away those fat stores, and not working on digesting and burning off that huge meal you just ate. You also don't want to eat a huge meal prior to doing this work out because of the intensity and the pension for people to sometimes vomit because they aren't used to working this hard or big meal+working out=not a good combo.

HIIT Workouts... The Right Way
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