How Staying Up Late at Night Can Affect Your Life and Some Tips on Breaking That Habit


Do you regularly fall asleep with the TV on? Are you addicted to late night TV watching?

It may seem like a common and harmless habit. But according to research from The National Sleep Foundation, light pollution from televisions and other electronic devices can interrupt deep sleep and even cause mood disorders. Specifically, the NSF has found that the blue light given off by electronics blocks melatonin production, which is key to maintaining your body’s circadian rhythm.

How staying up late at night can affect your life and some tips on breaking that habit

It's easy enough to decide to go to bed strictly at a certain time, but actually doing it is another story. We often get carried away in the late hours of the night, trying to knock off just a few more things we wanted to do, whether it's for work or fun. The next day, we're tired and filled with regret yet we don't stop. If this sounds like you, it's time to start "force quitting" yourself at the end of the day

How Staying Up Late at Night Can Affect Your Life and Some Tips on Breaking That Habit

Some of the tips to protect yourself from this bad habit are as follows:

. Turn off the TV, phone, computer, and anything else with a screen about an hour before you want to go to sleep.

.Read a book or meditate instead.

.Don't use electronics an hour before bed.

.You can shower to relax yourself.

.Stretching helps too.

. Do things that you need to do like clean up a bit of your room.

.At night, try putting your phone across the room, so that you won't be using it during the night. When your alarm goes off, you'll have to get up and get your phone

How Staying Up Late at Night Can Affect Your Life and Some Tips on Breaking That Habit

By staying up late, you're stressing your body a LOT and messing up its natural processes.

Some of the bad effects of staying up late at night are as follows:

.Hair loss

.Weight gain

.Lack of sleep can also cause Vision problems

How Staying Up Late at Night Can Affect Your Life and Some Tips on Breaking That Habit

Apart from this, there are a lot of things that goes wrong within our body, but their effects are not apparent in the short term.

How Staying Up Late at Night Can Affect Your Life and Some Tips on Breaking That Habit

Staying up late has much more serious implications on your body than you think.

How Staying Up Late at Night Can Affect Your Life and Some Tips on Breaking That Habit
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