Your Body is Not an Apology.


We don't like what we see in the mirror- big shocker there- and the heights we are willing to go and the limits we daringly challenge to get that perfect figure sometimes destroy an already perfect body without us knowing.

Your Body is Not an Apology.

We set impossible goals for ourselves, unrealistic mindsets, leading us into eating disorders, obesity, cosmetic surgeries and depression. With technology at its highest peak and still growing, the outside world, along with physical activities, is long forgotten by many and 'shedding a few pounds' go beyond lacing up sneakers to diets where food is almost non-existent and surgeries that are done to remove excess fat.


Your Body is Not an Apology.

We eat ourselves sick to the point of near death with the amount of food we consume and the conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, some cancers and hypertension associated with obesity.

Rates of obesity have increased dramatically in recent decades for americans of all ages, according to the Centers for Disease control and prevention (CDC).

Overall, nearly one third of children and adolescents are overweight or obese.

Obesity is an excessive accumilation of body fat. It is a common eating disorder and studies suggest that overweight children are most likely to be involved in bullying- both as victims and perpetrators.

Cosmetic Surgeries.

According to the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (ASPS), more than 236,000 cosmetic procedures were performed on patients 19 and younger in 2012.

We are way pass the point of accepting imperfections when society creates the picture perfect ideal of what we should be. Self image and self confidence impoves when percieved physical short comings are corrected- either for yourself or others, to fit in and not stand out.


Your Body is Not an Apology.

This is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Studies show that at least 90% of teens who kill themselves have some type of mental health problem such as depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol use or a behavioral problem.

Factors which contribute to the onset of depression includes genetics, changes in hormone levels, certain medical conditions, stress, grief or difficult life circumstances.

Your body is yours. Yours to keep, yours to enjoy, so stop apologising!

Your Body is Not an Apology.
Your Body is Not an Apology.
4 Opinion