I'm an insane person with multiple personalities!

I'm an insane person with multiple personalities!

It started when i was about 8 years old. I would lay in bed at night imagining myself as someone else, usually characters from cartoons or movies id seen. I had acessed what i later learned was "lucid dreaming". It's a state of almost dreamlike, highly realistic imagination that i could control and mold however i wanted. From the time i got comfortable in bed till i finally fell asleep, i was someone else doing far more interesting and amazing things.

I'm an insane person with multiple personalities!
You may be thinking "so you were a kid who had a vivid imagination. Big deal. didn't we all at that age?"

True enough maybe, but where normal people discovered their own distinct identities as they grew older, i never did. On this site alone I've made over 50 accounts, each time intricately crafting my persona and researching information to play the part. I've been everything from 60 year old men to 14 year old girls. I've been gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, and I've sexted with dozens of people on here leaving them oblivious to the truth that the person the other end looked nothing like what they assumed. I've been right wing rednecks, and progressive democrats, people from countries I've never even been to. One of my favorites was a girl named Kuke Xangpah from Nepal. I've made mytakes supporting abortions and mytakes declaring it wicked. I've written mytakes on things my physical body has never experienced, yet through research and imagination my characters have felt them for me in a real way. Injuries, family situations, sexual experiences, etc.

On other sites and forums I've been athiests who have deep conversations with christians, sometimes i craft the flow of the dialogue and allow myself to be led to belief in god, other times i convert them away from their beliefs. Unfortunately i can't actually tell you whether any of us were right or wrong😂

Some of my personalities and characters i revisit from time to time, sometimes they fade away and return after years have passed.

Im not sure where im even going with this other than to admit that i am certifiably insane, though no one can tell by looking. Whoever i truly am has been distorted and changed by the thousands of people I've created with my mind and everything they've been through.

Thanks for reading.

I'm an insane person with multiple personalities!
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