How I dealt with being single during CoVid and Valentines

How I dealt with being single during CoVid and Valentines

The short answer to how I stay happy while being single is that I kept myself busy.

On Friday, 2 days before Valentine’s Day, I read around 900 pages and finished a very long book compilation I had been trying to finish ever since July of 2021.

On Saturday, I read another 400-500 pages and had a conversation with a friend. I also gathered a series of new writing prompts to help myself in my journaling exercises.

On Sunday, I vacuumed the house, went to the doctors for a health check up, had an early shower to brighten my day, and began writing my book, I also began a 25th research project, on top of the 24 I already came up with and I set a series of new mini goals for myself.

If your depressed that you are single on Valentine’s Day, find an activity to keep yourself busy, whether it’s learning a language for free with Google or improving your writing with practice or training your posture with standing exercises or trying to improve your vocabulary with library books or doing a work out routine via YouTube. Walking for 4 hours a day is how one obese guy I used to talk to got down to a normal weight. Scriptural study also works since a thousand lifetimes could not exhaust them of all wisdom and knowledge.

How I dealt with being single during CoVid and Valentines
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