Top 10 Gym Etiquette Rules


With summer right around the corner the gym is usually packed with noobies wanting to make some gains for the summer, or if you're a woman, trying to slim down and 'tone' up. While in the gym you may of gotten some weird looks, hear some people slamming weights next to you, or seen fellow gym goers rolling their eyes at you. Here are some of the most common gym mistakes I've seen in the gym that make me cringe!

1. Not wiping down your bench after you're done using it

This is usually a no brainer, no one wants to sit on a bench or a machine and be engulfed in a wad of sweat, accompanied by a stench that could make mothers disown their child. Look around the gym, and either near the water fountain and/or up against the wall you will notice that there are paper towels and a spray bottle available for your use. USE IT. If you don't want to be bothered, then at least bring a towel and ensure that you don't sweat up the place.

Top 10 Gym Etiquette Rules

2. Stepping in front of someone that is using the mirror

Mirrors in the gym are meant to ensure that you are using proper form while doing an exercise. Proper form ensures that you are working the correct muscles, and doing it safely. No one wants to injure themselves in the gym and using the mirror is a vital part of ensuring that does not happen. So when you see someone doing a set while looking at themselves in the mirror, DO NOT STEP IN FRONT OF THEM. It is rude and inconsiderate. Go somewhere else.

Top 10 Gym Etiquette Rules

3. Leaving weights lying around

This is obvious. Don't be the d-bag that leaves weights on the floor. Its both a safety hazard and its inconsiderate to others working out. It makes it difficult to find the weights, and can turn a work out session into a scavenger hunt.

Top 10 Gym Etiquette Rules

4. Curling in the Squat rack

The Squat rack is a called a squat rack for a reason.... you SQUAT IN IT. The reason why this is such a cardinal sin in the gym is that you can literally do curls ANYWHERE else in the gym, however squating is limited to the amount of squat racks in the gym. Squats are also considered by many to be the king of all exercises, since it works muliple muscles and is very taxing on the body. While curls are usually the first thing noobs do the moment they walk into the gym. (Note: I will ask you to move)

Top 10 Gym Etiquette Rules

5. Sitting on a machine/bench and talking on cellphone or with another person

If you've decided to use a machine to text your best friend, or to have a long conversation with a fellow gym rat, note that there are other people that want to work out. If you see someone hovering over you while you do this, kindly ask them if they want to use the machine, since they most likely do. I am in no way discouraging conversation, and have been caught in long conversations myself but a little curtoesy goes a long way in ensuring that everyone gets a chance to get through there workout as efficently, and quickly as possible.

Top 10 Gym Etiquette Rules

6. Body Odor

This should be a no-brainer. If your BO stays in the room long after you've left then please leave and put on some deordorant or better yet take a shower. Your prescence is offensive.

7. Giving Unsolicited advice

If someone wanted you advice on how to perform an exercise then they'd ask you. Do not go up to someone randomly and critique their form, tell them how much weight they should be lifting or which exercises they should do. Your advice is usually unwelcomed. Do yourself a favour, sit back and watch them hurt themselves.

8. Share the Equipment

This is especially true when it is busy. There are a limited number of machines and if everyone were to wait until another person is completely done using it, workouts that should last an hour will probably last 2 or in extreme cases even 3 hours. This will greatly affect the pump, the intensity and the effectiveness of the workout. Please share.

9. Don't stare

Ladies, its okay to glance at our hard chilsed bodies every once in a while, but excessive staring is not welcomed and can be creepy. At least do it when we're not looking.

Top 10 Gym Etiquette Rules

10. Stay away from the dumbbell rack

No you do not need to use the dumbbell rack to do your single arm rows, or use it as a seat. There's a reason why there are benches in the gym, use them. Doing any workout on or close to the rack will impede on other peoples ability to retreive and return their weights. Pick up your weight, and go away.

Top 10 Gym Etiquette Rules

Top 10 Gym Etiquette Rules
35 Opinion