Should I be worried about this?

So every couple of nights, I lay in a pitch black room alone for a hour and try not to go to sleep. The past few times I went to sleep. But last night I did it, it was like the other times.

30 minutes in I felt weird, I couldn't move anything but my eyes, it felt like something was forcing me down. I was calm and tried to go to sleep, I couldn't for the life of me go to sleep. So I started screaming for help but realised I couldn't speak. I had very shallow raspy breaths.

So I just waited and waited for almost 6 hours till I could move again, while I waited I kept seeing stuff like shadows and glows from nowhere. And suddenly I could remember every single moment of my life.

What happened?
Should I be worried?
Be worried, tell a doctor.
Its fine, try sleeping differently.
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Should I be worried about this?
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