How do I feel good about my body again?

I grew up in thailand, my mom is from there, my dad is American and growing up I was never ever insecure about my body. I don't know it's just not something that occured to me.
But when I was 16 we moved to the U. S. and since then I've been feeling awful about my body. I don't if it's age or different media, but suddenly when we moved I felt very insecure about the way I look and it hasn't stopped.

I know I'm not overweight but I feel I'm too thick. So I've been on a lot of diets but all of them eventually ended in me getting the cheeselovers pizza all for myself. And it made me bigger than I was when I started out. How ironic is that?
I turned down a few guys, because I felt I didn't deserve to be in a relationship until I was thinner and now obviously, still being "never kissed" so to speak I really regret that and I don't want to repeat that mistake.

This summer I was back in thailand, visiting my grandparents. One night I told my grandmother I didn't want more rice, because I felt guilty about all the carbs in the evening and she slapped me saying bascially "what are you doing, feeling guilty for eating? No one can live like that" and she's right, what am I doing? Feeling guilty about eating is insane

But the thing is, I can't stop it. I don't know how to?
I lost the weight I gained again in thailand so I'm back to 0 and I don't really want to repeat the feeling bad about myself and food. But then I just got back last week and it's already starting again. I saw some instagram posts and I caught myself wondering "what do I have to do, to look like that?"
How do I feel good about my body again?
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